Friday, September 10, 2010

my first day mingling, a.k.a. dress rehearsal

Last night I got the call from the Vice Principal that the school district has officially cleared me to begin teaching. The security check took several days to complete, and each day I waited to hear back was yet another day my students spent with a substitute instead of me. I had hoped to be there with them from day one, wanting as much consistency for my kids, but now I will step in at the beginning of week two. It's okay. I can't wait to start.

Today, I briefly met most of my students and also spent a large portion of my morning sitting down with my mentor, an educator I have long admired, plotting out the curriculum for the first several weeks of the school year. There was so much excitement in the room. Linda Christensen and I are kindred spirits, passionate about the power of writing, working with youth, and teaching for social justice.

I feel very lucky indeed to begin this journey at this new school, alongside one of the most inspiring educators there is.

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